You can get SEO services a lot of places.
You can get a law-practice growth guarantee ONLY HERE*.
*Pardon our chutzpah, but if there’s another law marketing firm with our growth guarantee, we have yet to discover it.
For nearly three decades, our digital marketing services have delivered proven results that professional-services practices need to thrive. We began with growing medical practices back in the 1990s. Now we’ve brought school-of-hard-knocks skills to the legal profession.
Grow your law practice 15%-30% in year one or we work for free.
(We’ve never had to work for free.)

Law content marketing: Attract more/better clients for less cost
Did you know that Google receives 850,000 searches per day for attorneys? That’s 6.3 million per month. And it seems every law firm is fighting to be on page one of those internet search results.
Sadly, most rely mainly on paid advertising to get to page one. We’ve got a better way, proven by nearly three decades of experience:
Content writing, not advertising
Truth be told, we’re a writing company dressed in an internet suit. We write fresh, original website articles and social media posts in a journalist style and language your clients will understand. That earns their trust and gets your website to the top of search-engine rankings without shelling out thousands every month to online ads.
Online reputation power booster
To boot, we also have a proven online reputation management system that improves quantity and quality of reviews. It’s called The Interceptor Method, and it’s increased online reviews by as much as ninefold within two years and raised the average star rating from three to four.
Everything is included in our LawMarketLink service. We guarantee it works to build practices and practice reputations. Or we work for free until it does work – although we’ve never had to do that.

Seven reasons our law firm marketing is top-of-class
- Our practice-growth guarantee (15% – 30% in year one alone).
- Like lawyers, we're a company of writers, today's most valuable marketing skill.
- More often than not, we actually LOWER ADVERTISING COSTS.
- We not only bring more clients – we can help manage clients more efficiently.
- A quarter-century of experience teaches a lot of lessons.
- We've been getting clients positive news coverage since before there was an internet.
- Our founder-CEO is a J.D.
Think bigger about what your law firm’s clients really need
LawMarketLink is an integrated legal marketing program centered on digital public education – one that tells, not sells.
Every day, millions go online less to look for attorneys than to look for solutions to their problems. Lawyers are a means to an end for them. Sure, they want to know a lot about the person they might hire. But they are more interested first in better understanding their problems and possible solutions.
Lawyer marketing is all about trust
Objectively measuring a lawyer’s skills is a daunting challenge for anyone who never attended law school or practiced law. It’s a whole lot easier to make a decision about hiring counsel based on trust.
Time after time through the years, we’ve seen shoppers for professional help consistently base choices on the comfort of knowledge. Ironically, they most trust professionals who are ready to give away information with no strings attached. It’s that theory that the more you give, the more you get.
Happily, the internet facilitates the gift of knowledge like no other medium. A few keystrokes into a search-engine website initiates the voyage of learning. And before prospective legal clients contact law practices directly, their first step overwhelmingly is searching on the internet for information about their individual legal needs.
Finding information that’s not only easy to find but easy to understand begins a process of trust building with the information provider – that is, the law firm publishing it on a website. Instantly a bond of trust begins to form. And that’s how lawyers today find the best new clients, or, perhaps better said, how new clients find the best lawyers.
The lawyer as online teacher
That’s where we come in. You’ve probably heard about the cognitive bias known as the curse of knowledge. The deeper anyone’s knowledge and expertise in a particular field, the more difficult it becomes to convey that knowledge to others without the knowledge. This is certainly the case in law, a profession habituated to use of its own language and jargon – much of it sourced from a dead language from the ancient Romans.
Our job is to act as translators for those so habituated. Our experience runs deep in understanding and translating the nuances of a professional specialty, making the nuances both accessible and comprehensible to the world at large.
With collective decades of experiences as journalists, authors, and published writers in multi-media, we’ve had our share of transforming complex, technical concepts into bite-size morsels anyone can consume with minimal effort.
Let legal marketing SEO no longer live in a black box
Frankly, the puffery around SEO is a little wearying. Digital marketing firms often go on and on about the critical importance of SEO without dare revealing what it is. So, let’s do that right now:
SEO is 85% about writing comprehensive, well organized, and accurate information any literate person can grasp immediately.
That’s all. Forget the innuendo that SEO is some sort of magic that computer geeks spread across a website.
To be sure, a little computer-fairy dust is essential for highly effective SEO. About 10% or so of SEO goes into putting clues about the topic of a website page into what’s called meta data, which goes into hidden code on the website. But it doesn’t take a Ph.D. computer scientist to learn that.
Instead, the real work of SEO is research on what words searchers commonly use for investigating a specific topic and then writing thorough articles about those subjects. Then begins the chore of loading a search engine optimized (SEO) website with original, specialty specific, Google friendly, iCare Law Library content. Then we promote that content organically (nonadvertising methods) through attorney blogs, social media, public relations, email marketing, and videos.
We also manage comments on social media channels and online rate-your-lawyer websites, as well as answer comments quickly (and within ethical guidelines). By integrating and continually feeding appropriate digital channels, we educate prospective and existing clients in ways that position the practice as an expert in its specialty.
That is how we get clients to the top of search engine rankings and a guaranteed flow of higher quantity and quality clients.
How can Vanguard help you grow bigger?
If you’re ready to think bigger and grow bigger, then we’re ready to talk going big with you.
Contact us online Call us at 303-382-2999
Components of the LawMarketLink legal marketing program
Law Firm SEO & SEM
Vanguard guarantees law firms will appear on the first page of Google for relevant search terms through legal SEO & SEM best practices.
Content Marketing
With nearly 30 years experience in marketing professional services, Vanguard has created a unique content marketing strategy that aims to “tell, not sell.”
Public Relations
We offer a full PR program for attorneys and law firms including media campaigns, testimonials, blogs, referral marketing, social media, and online reviews.
Media Relations for Lawyers
Vanguard focuses on media relations to increase awareness about a client’s practice & show potential clients why the law firm is a good choice for them.
Email Marketing
Good email newsletters communicate legal information and marketing messages, cultivate a practice’s reputation, and tell patients who you really are.
Blogging for Law Practices
To attract more clients, lawyers should be blogging about the key issues clients are searching for online.
Law Firm Branding & Print
Establish your law firm’s professional branding from signature colors and logo design to typography and graphic design, plus expert print design projects such as brochures & postcards.
Lawyer Reviews & Online Reputation Management
Vanguard monitors and manages your practice reputation and reviews on rate-your-lawyer websites, including Yelp, Google, and more.
Social Media
Vanguard establishes and maintains your law firm’s presence on social media websites, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube.
Websites for Law Firms
Vanguard designs, develops, and manages law firm websites, including custom layouts, expertly-written content, and mobile responsive design.
Law Security Suite
Reactive security is good. Proactive security is best. Vanguard’s Security Suite for law firms offers the highest meaningful level of internet security, satisfying and surpassing standard practices for legal websites.
Referral Marketing
Vanguard crafts strong brand messaging & delivers referral marketing through postcards, e-newsletters, blogs, public relations, and social media.