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Data Correlations of Patient Satisfaction and COVID-19 Death Rates

Search for your region’s patient satisfaction scores vs. COVID-19 death rates

These interactive charts provide the complete dataset from Vanguard’s recent study and model that links the COVID-19 death rates and online patient reviews of healthcare providers, as determined by the Happy Patient Index (HPI), in 100 U.S. cities. You can see which cities and counties have the best and worst patient satisfaction rates along with their respective COVID-19 results from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as of October 25, 2020.

Interacting with the charts below

  1. Three charts are featured: COVID-19 Case Mortality vs HPI, COVID-19 Population Mortality vs HPI and COVID-19 Population Caseload vs HPI.
  2. At the top of each chart, drag the black dots on either end of the “Patient Satisfaction (rating between 1 and 5 ★)” scale to show regions matching a specific star rating range. You will see the corresponding COVID-19 death rates in those regions.
  3. In the city/county chart, hover your cursor over any of the five columns to scroll up and down the list of cities and counties.
  4. The ★ column represents online star ratings (between 1-5) of doctors and other healthcare providers in that city/county.

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COVID-19 Deaths / Cases vs HPI


COVID-19 Deaths / Population vs HPI

COVID-19 Cases / Population vs HPI