The Wired Practice by Vanguard Communications provides free articles and videos that tap into research and experienced-based knowledge for practice improvement and successful marketing.
In this edition of “The Wired Practice,” Ron Harman King of Vanguard Communications says that both current and potential patients can form impressions about your practice from what they see in online reviews. He provides some suggestions on how to improve those first web-based impressions.
Dr. Neil Baum discusses hard economic truths when it comes to running your own practice. Come to terms with these realities and your business will thrive.
Dr. Saketh Guntupalli discusses four ways to maximize the doctor-patient relationship using better bedside manner. Make small changes to your routine for happier patients and a happier practice.
Ron King discusses the impact of the internet on healthcare decisions and how providers should consider new ways to deliver not just quality of care but quality of service.
Medical practice process improvement leader Dave Spiciarich describes how meeting facilitators can manage two common, but challenging, personality types: disrupters and non-participators.
Doctors can re-engineer their practice to be more efficient and have a positive effect on finances, patient care and possibly even on patient outcomes.