The HIPAA Menace of Facebook Ads’ Pixel
Vanguard’s Technical Director highlights HIPAA & PHI concerns with Facebook ads’ pixel tracking, calling for increased scrutiny after the recent Facebook breach.
The Wired Practice by Vanguard Communications healthcare resources, articles and videos tap into research and experienced-based knowledge for improving business and patient care.
Vanguard’s Technical Director highlights HIPAA & PHI concerns with Facebook ads’ pixel tracking, calling for increased scrutiny after the recent Facebook breach.
Following the FaceApp security debacle, we discuss the security of phone apps, what you can do to protect yourself and why doctors should be extra cautious.
The U.S. government reported over 135 million individuals had their health records exposed. Unless you make security a priority, you and your practice will be breached.
We need to eliminate protected health information (PHI) from existence and move to a password protected system. It really is that simple—and that revolutionary.
Vanguard Communications Technical Director Jonathan Stanley discusses how to keep your patients’ sensitive information secure.
Dealing with online security threats is much like treating rapidly mutating bacteria and viruses – new ones will always appear to defy conventional safeguards. Let’s look at some hard realities of the Heartbleed bug and then quickly move to signs of hope, as well as some insights on how to protect against it.
In 2013 TIME named Pope Francis as Person of the Year. Had it been up to us, we would have selected the Internet hacker as POTY. Instead we invested tens of thousands of dollars in anti-hacking measures. Here are six big steps we took to safeguard the websites of health care providers.
Why should health care providers care about Target’s travails? Because the latest hacking news is more evidence of the mushrooming abundance of Internet hackers and of the vulnerably of digital patient information. Hacking is a worldwide growth industry for a reason. There’s a lot to steal on the Internet and plenty of places to steal it, both in storage and in transit.