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Love Thy Doctor? Recent Stats Say Not So Fast in Reviews Online

The Burgundy Zine Logo | Vanguard CEO talks doctors reviews online | Vanguard Communications | Denver | San Jose | JacksonvilleThe Burgundy Zine health issue features CEO Ron King: Why do doctors get bad reviews online?

Most online complaints about doctors aren’t about the physicians themselves, rather, it’s the practice’s culture. But the blame for bad reviews online still tends to fall on the doctor.

Vanguard Communications CEO Ron Harman King was featured in the health issue of The Burgundy Zine. “More and more, people buy things online, and they do it by comparing notes on their experiences with services and products they’re buying online,” he said. “And that’s now very much a factor in choosing doctors.”

The article notes recent research by Vanguard Communications that illustrates just how poorly doctor reviews online rank compared with restaurants and lawyers. “Physicians are just becoming aware of how much online reviews can affect their business,” King explained. Interestingly, it’s not about the quality of care they deliver, but how well the people around the doctors treat the patients.

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