The profit & price of Internet browser progress
In all likelihood, you’ve been directed here because you have noticed an issue on your website caused by using an out-of-date browser. Jumbled content, strange overlays, abnormal scrolling and unusable navigation are all common symptoms.
Should we debug for an older browser? Although it sounds counterintuitive, sometimes just leaving issues that only affect users with older browsers may be the best solution.
- Browser debugging requires an extremely high level of costly technical expertise.
- Cost estimates are nearly impossible. Seemingly simple issues can take dozens of hours to resolve.
- Return is limited as internet users upgrade to newer systems, and the problems that arise on older browsers only affect a small group of people.
Our policies
Our policy and goal is to provide the greatest possible return we can provide. We, therefore, have adopted the following policies:
- We provide tech support and debugging for all supported browsers (i.e. a browser supported by its developer).
- For any issue that affects the majority of visitors to a website, it immediately becomes our top priority with all hands on deck.
- For issues affecting a minority of visitors, resolution will be scheduled per our standard response times.
- When we find an issue affecting fewer than 5% of visitors or from a product that is unsupported/discontinued by the author, resolution will be provided at a cost per your request, using standard billing rates.