Don’t Have an ADA Compliant Website?
Vanguard Communications of Denver helps medical & legal practices achieve an ADA compliant website.
The Wired Practice by Vanguard Communications provides free articles and videos that tap into research and experienced-based knowledge for practice improvement and successful marketing.
Vanguard Communications of Denver helps medical & legal practices achieve an ADA compliant website.
Has someone wronged you making you angry and bitter. Dr. Neil Baum provides advice on the art of forgiveness.
A decade after recreational dispensaries opened, will cannabis finally get a get-out-of-jail-free card to full legalization?
Dr. Neil Baum tackles how to conduct great periodic performance reviews that leave staff motivated, not demoralized.
Is there a risk for your practice if your website is not ADA compliant? We pass along the latest news and break the topic down for you.
The highly popular Medicare Advantage (MA) insurance program takes center stage as class action lawsuits over use of artificial intelligence combines with uproars over reform plans and sales commissions.
It takes skill to properly fill the healthcare jobs in a medical practice. Dr. Baum offers his skills on the topic.
Opposing sides in the abortion controversy are girding for a likely momentous constitutional confrontation despite SCOTUS’s wish for the contrary.
Recent developments have accelerated a free-speech controversy taking center stage ever since the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Taking Care of May” is a heartbreaking examination of failures by the medical establishment and the judiciary to avoid making a difficult situation worse.